Monday, September 19, 2016

Why write about Elk Lake?

So why write about Elk Lake?  My family has owned a cottage on the lake for 28 years.  How do I know exactly 28 years?  Because my parents bought it the year my son was born.

I have spent most of my summers, or parts of summers at the cottage.  It has been a place of rest, relaxation and rejuvenation. The one rule that we have always instituted at the cottage is that no one has to do anything they don't want to do.  If you don't want to eat the fresh brussel sprouts that were bought at the Elk Rapids Farmer's Market, you don't have to.  I have always liked this rule (though I do like to eat the fresh brussel sprouts).

Recently, I have changed professions from a college professor and director to a freelance writer and editor.  I have had enough concerning university politics and moved to our cottage as a permanent resident. I have written for the past 30 years in my profession, and am now enjoying writing what I want to - which means for this blog, anything that has to do with Elk Lake.  I want to share my observations as this transition to permanent resident goes along.

Already, the Lake is calming down as many of the summer residents are closing up their cottages, dry docking their boats and pulling in their docks.  The water is still warm enough to swim in, so when the weather permits, I'm still swimming along the western shore.  The children's voices have silenced as they have returned to school.  The sounds of the lake are only those of the waves and the seagulls .  As I swim, my mind wanders and my soul is renewed.

The nights are now cooling off, making sleeping with the windows open very comfortable.  The leaves of the maples are just slightly tinged with color.  Summer is trying to hold off Fall, but Fall is pushing to overcome it.  Already, I have spent a longer time at the cottage than any year previous.

So the adventure begins...

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